Enhancing Digital Accessibility for Color-Blind Users: A Focus on Color Blindness Awareness Day!

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

每年的9月6日是色盲宣传日. It is a crucial reminder to consider the needs of individuals with color vision deficiency (CVD) in digital design and accessibility. 大约8%的男性和0.全球有5%的女性患有某种形式的色盲, which makes navigating the digital world challenging when designs rely heavily on color cues.

随着数字空间的不断发展和演变, 必须提高认识并实施加强的战略 为色盲用户提供数字可访问性.


Color blindness is a condition where someone has difficulty distinguishing between certain colors. 最常见的类型包括:

  • Protanopia – struggle in distinguishing between red and green hues due to the malfunction or absence of red cone cells in some individuals.
  • Deuteranopia – difficulty in distinguishing green and red colors because either green cone cells are absent or malfunctioning in those individuals.
  • Tritanopia – difficulty in distinguishing between blue and yellow colors due to the malfunction or absence of blue cone cells.
  • Monochromacy – 这是一种罕见的疾病,患者只能看到灰色的阴影.

Digital designs that rely heavily on color differentiation can pose significant challenges to users with these types of color vision deficiencies. For instance, a green colored “Submit” button might be indistinguishable from some other button (let’s say, “取消”)对于红绿色盲或绿盲的人来说.


John Dalton, a scientist, 他患有色盲症,出生于9月6日, 1766. 显然,他是第一个认识到色盲的人. 他和他的兄弟都不能像以前那样看颜色. 尽管在1766年,这还不是一个众所周知的问题. 但150年后,科学和他的DNA证明. 道尔顿继承了这个问题.

Thereby in his memory, 每年的9月6日被选为关注色盲日.

The idea of celebrating this uniqueness of several individuals began in 2015 and with each passing year, 越来越多的人认识到并参与到这个活动中来.

许多组织通过组织各种活动来促进色盲. One of the noticeable activities to raise awareness digitally is focusing on social media campaigns. Businesses that are keen to be inclusive should plan online activities on color blindness to attract and engage more users suffering from color blindness. Also, they must focus on embedding changes across the digital products and services based on web accessibility requirements to ensure their accessibility for everyone.


  • 使用纹理和图案,而不仅仅是颜色

    Textures and patterns help differentiate between elements without relying solely on color. For instance, pie charts or graphs can use patterns (like stripes or dots) instead of or alongside colors to understand various sections.

    此外,颜色不应该是传达重要信息的唯一方式. For example, a website indicating error messages only by red text is a wrong practice. Instead, they must include icons, bold text, or other visual cues to highlight errors.

  • 确保足够的对比度

    Poor contrast between text and background colors can be particularly challenging for color-blind users. 确保高对比度可以显著提高可读性, for instance, 白色背景上的黑色文字. WCAG建议最低对比度为4.正常文本为5:1,大文本为3:1.

  • 提供色盲友好的调色板

    在设计网站和应用程序时,使用对色盲友好的调色板. 像Color Oracle工具, ColorBrewer, 和Coblis模拟了色盲用户对网页设计的感知, 允许设计师进行相应的调整.

  • 包括可选择的文本描述

    为图形等视觉元素提供描述性文本, charts, and images can help users understand the content without relying on color differentiation. These descriptions should be clear and provide essential information conveyed by the visuals.

  • 用色盲模拟器进行测试

    Simulating color blindness with tools like Chrome’s Colorblinding extension can help designers understand how their designs will appear to color-blind users. 定期测试确保设计在更新过程中保持可访问性.

  • 为持份者提供培训

    数字无障碍需要文化转变. Designers, developers, and content creators must be educated on the importance of accessibility for color-blind users. Raising awareness through training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns is vital.

Provide accessible digital spaces to color blind users by filling balanced colors to websites/applications!

Color blindness awareness day serves as an important reminder to take proactive steps toward enhancing digital accessibility. By considering the needs of color-blind users and implementing thoughtful design strategies, 组织可以确保为每个人创造一个更具包容性的数字世界.


Tools or third-party software to improve accessibility in websites for color-blind users!

The best web practices are always suggested to adhere to in order to offer accessible websites to color-blind users. Besides, there are third-party widgets / extensions / software that help bring accessibility in just a few clicks.

All in One辅助功能 has several features to achieve accessibility goals for various disabilities and one of the features is including color blindness. 确保每个人都能访问你的网站,包括那些色盲.

The color blindness feature helps users to change web page colors setting according to their color blindness deficiency. 这个小部件涵盖了各种色盲设置,例如:

  • Protanomaly
  • Deuteranomaly
  • Tritanomaly
  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia
  • Achromatomaly
  • Achromatopsia

This feature is available with the paid version of the All in One辅助功能 widget. 为了了解更多关于色盲的特征和其他特征, 进入它的功能页面.

别忘了用our 免费的WCAG网页无障碍色彩对比检查器 检查你网站的颜色组合是否符合WCAG A、AA和AAA的要求.